The Restitution program allows youth, who are court-ordered, the opportunity to perform community service hours and/or earn restitution to pay their victims.
In 2021 over $59,000 was paid back to crime victims in Mesa County.
In 2021, we served 575 youth who worked over 9,500 community service hours, in addition to restitution paid to victims. Youth served come from the Municipal, County, and District Courts. *Youth are referred by municipal diversion programs, DA Diversion Programs, Probation, and Division of Youth Services
The program helps youth satisfy court-ordered obligations, provides educational and prevention classes, instills work ethic, accountability and responsibility for actions. The program works with other youth agencies, non-profits, government agencies, schools and churches in the community
Partners Restitution crews can be hired for:
Basic Yard Work
Event Clean Up
Irrigation Ditch Digging/Cleanup
General Clean-Up
Trash Pick-Up
(must abide by child labor laws)
Please call the Restitution/Community Service Manager at 970-245-5555 ext. 103 or directly at 970-730-2025 to schedule a work crew